September 7th will be the Iglesia De Cristo en Sacramento's 4th anniversary!There is expected to have an attendance of about 150 people! We have been inviting everyone to our Anniversary Service non stop for about 2 or 3 weeks now! I am extremely excited about all the people who are attending. Among the people attending are old friends, new friends, members from the all 3 Church of Christ congregations, visitors, which are soon to be new friends! I am very bless to be able to participate in a growing church's anniversary service.
Jim Holway is our guest speaker. After several hours of plane riding and spending a day in Santa Cruz, Bolivia because he didnt know he needed a visa to enter Paraguay, Jim arrived to Asuncion this past Thursday. Jim was a missionary in Buenos Aires for 10 years from '83 to '93. He currently works with the spanish speaking congregations in Miami, Florida. Hes a really funny guy! While his stay he plans to have counseling sessions, teach the various weekly bible studies, learn and love alongside fellow Christians and enjoy all the great things the country of Paraguay has to offer!
I have been placed in charge of the food. Its hard to find a cake with out any kind of dulce de leche. Dulce de leche is a Latin American staple. Dulce de leche, which in literal translation means "Candy of milk" or "Milk candy". Its pretty much like caramel. I find myself in a land flowing with dulce de leche and café.
I thank God and all of you for all your support, your prayers have enabled me to stay to witness all the various and wonderful events thrown by the church. Its been great watching all the planning and effort that goes into these events. I feel so privileged in being able to help plan and participate in such important things. Of course we know everyday the things we do in our lives are important, everyday of my internship has been a gift,a privilege and a blast, its just awesome to witness something in continuation having a fresh start, a rejuvenation if you will.
The following day, the 8th, i will be traveling to Uruguay! I will fly in to Buenos Aires and take a ferry across to Colonia de Sacramento, Uruguay. After my plane ride and ferry ride I will take a rather short bus ride and arrive to my final destination in the wonder city of Montevideo. Montevideo is the capital of Uruguay and the home to a population of about 1.5 million. This will be my first time in Uruguay and it will by my 11th country visited!I will meet up with my friends and fellow Serve Abroaders. Amanda Scott and Carol Mendoza are currently working with the church in Itu, Brazil. Mark and Ali Kaiser are the missionaries Amanda and Carol ever so happily intern under, they will also be meeting up with me in Montevideo.I will spend one exciting week in Uruguay. I return to Asuncion on Saturday the 13th.
Life is great :)
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