Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Month in Review


Well friends it has been a while since my last post. I will asure u this is the only time I will have this long an absence.

Camp in Argentina was fantastic. Groups from Cordoba, Buenos Aires and Asuncion came together and spent a week in a cabin in the moutains. It was a nice break from the hot weather. We had classes, devotionals, trecks throught the mountains and many other spiritual and fun adventures. There were 7 baptisms and number of other spiritual enlightenments. It was a great opportunity to meet the youth of Argentina but equally important and exciting was getting to our youth better. Our bus broke down and so that added 6 hours to a return time. So about 27 hours in return from Cordoba to Asuncion. The weeks that followed included english studies, womens tea, orphanage visits, team retreat, memeber visits, middle school girls sleep over, Doctor visit, university visits, event plannings, class teachings, movie night, yellow fever vaccinations, retreat plannings, womens bible study, many other events and many other miscellaneous tasks.

In the coming weeks, we will start an english program for 7 weeks. I have the great pleasure of being responsible in help forming a university group. I will go out into the universities and personally hand out flyers and get to know the College Students of Paraguay. Our hopes are that their interest in free enlgish classes will bring more people to the church and so bring more Paraguayans into Christ. Here are a few links to Photo Albums of my internship experiences, opportunities and events.

Summer Camp, Argentina Style!

Day trip to Cordoba

Mission Conference in Canela, Brazil

To the left of the screen there is a link to my co-interns blog. Here name is Micah Bayles. She and I met in the summer of 2005 when we traveled to South America with the Aggies for Christ.

Thank you for reading! Feel free to leave comments, suggestions, encouragements, words of wisdom, constructive criticisms or a simple hello ;)

Chau Chau :)

PS Hindi is cool. I would love to learn this language especially to write it! हिन्दी इस सुपर कूल!इ वौल्ड लव टू लीर्ण आईटी!